Saturday, September 11, 2010


She hasn't been here even 24 hours and she's driving me batty. Complaining about everything the DV Shelter doesn't have, provide or offer and refuses to even hear out a different opinion then her's. Now she's blaming the DV Shelter for not having a dryer with proper drying settings which shrank her clothes. I finally made a sarcastic reply and said matter-of-factly "I'm just glad I'm not still getting beat up."  Of course this annoyed her because she simply wanted to know if I knew how to set a non setting drying machine.

Of course all of it is rubbing me the wrong way. (from a previous post)

"The DV Staff have been saints to me. They scheduled me to see a real doctor who actually cares (female) and not only gave me medication for the {back} pain but referred me to a different hospital for x-rays, counseling and physical therapy. If it wasn’t for them I honestly believe I would have been thrown out on the street by Homeless Hating Hospital and left for the street vultures." 

In addition my former roommate who is from the Middle East made me aware of one very important difference. In her country your choices for domestic violence is stay and put up with it or live in the streets. In America, we have choices. Even if the choice doesn't include my own room, a closet full of my clothes or new clothes and even if it lacks some much appreciated furnishing (such as a garbage can in the bathroom), it is a solid roof over my head in a good area, groceries to keep me fed and everything is free including violence free living. So nitpicking / complaining about the little things gets on my nerves.

"If you don't like it, go back to your abusive partner."

Emotional Stability

If it wasn’t my reality it would be funny.

Subject D (resident) is an emotionally / mentally disabled individual.

Subject (brand new resident) is an emotionally stability lacking individual with certain quirks (different from my own.)

The difference is that Subject D argues debates and complains to herself and anyone willing to listen and or contribute… while Subject K is excessively clean and “everything must be disinfected” Human Rights everywhere individual. She writes down every single thing that makes her uncomfortable and says that it’s basic Human Rights not to be made to feel uncomfortable.

Between the two I may not need to fake an addiction – I’ll start one all of my own.

Note: If you feel uncomfortable giving me money, please consider donating to any Domestic Violence and or free medical clinic organization.

“The 40-Year-Old Virgin” actor Shelley Malil claimed he arrived at her home on the night of the attack to find her drinking wine with a male friend named David Maldonado. Malil said he felt threatened by Maldonado and was sure he would attack him with a gun following a scuffle.

Prosecutors allege that Malil used two different knives. Beebe suffered a punctured lung as a result of the attack. - FOX News

Friday, September 10, 2010

Still here

and slowly growing stronger. Each day I get a little stronger and a little more use from my back. But it definitely sucks having an injured back when the skies overhead are so blue.

I'm signed up for General Relief which I learned is not free money like CalWorks. General Relief money is paid back once you have a job. In addition, I can't participate in any kind of GR 'job club'  including sitting through boring orientations and work shops (which are require prior to their job club) until I am released from doctor's orders. Sucks because the orientation and workshops take three weeks...I'm out for three more weeks.

No worries though, the WIA program is separate from GR and I can attend their orientation and workshop(s)  which may also take up to three weeks before the actual job assistance starts.

My 'roommate' is from Skid Row and rarely sleeps in her bed. I believe she could be one of the Skid Row rape victims I've read about; not going to ask though. She's easy enough to avoid conflict with but like Trauma Queen has some pretty severe emotional difficulties. She'll probably be granted her SSI benefits -  very noticeable mental defects.

One of the residents is older then me and is in the process of obtaining her citizenship. She's seriously considering a career within the LAPD. Too old to be a police officer but I'm sure (or hope) there are a lot of other opportunities.

Me... I am so bored. I can't wait until I can walk for more than 10 minutes.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Homeless Crime

Los Angeles police shot and killed a man who reportedly threatened bystanders with a knife in a bustling Westlake shopping district on Sunday, authorities said.

Officers with the bicycle unit of LAPD's Rampart Division were responding to an unrelated call about 1 p.m. when a pedestrian flagged them down and alerted them to a man with a knife near 6th Street and Union Avenue, according to Cmdr. Blake Chou. The officers confronted the man and ordered him to drop the knife several times. When he failed to drop the weapon, officers began firing, police said.

Some residents of the neighborhood said officers routinely harassed them there and took the opportunity Sunday to voice their opinions about the police.

"Killers go to hell," one person said.

"You guys don't have the right to come to our neighborhood and assassinate people," another yelled.

A resident living less than a block from the scene said the dead man was middle-aged, well-known in the area and frequently appeared to be drunk. She often saw him passed out not far from where he was shot.

"The police told him, 'Put the knife down, put the knife down'" Woods said. She said the man responded by becoming agitated and rambling loudly. "You could see him wobbling from side to side," she said.

Meleika Williams, another resident, said the man may have stabbed people on the streets before he was shot by police. Authorities said they could not confirm whether anyone had been stabbed but said no one was taken to the hospital.


Wikipedia: Skid Row is said to be America's only third world city.